
Service Features - Alternate Numbers

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The Alternate Numbers service allows a user to have up to ten alternate phone numbers in addition to the main phone number. One of four distinctive ring patterns and a distinctive call waiting tone can be assigned to each number.

[#article-topic-2]Alternate Numbers[#article-topic-2]

  1. From the user dashboard, locate and click on User Service Settings.
portal dashboard
  1. The Services page will appear. 
  2. Click on Alternate Numbers. This will give you access to the Alternate Number configuration page.

To Add an Alternate Number:

  1. Scroll down to the Alternate Entries table and click on a number with the number column. This will bring you to the Edit Alternate Entry table.
  2. Click the number field and select a number from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter an appropriate extension number.
  4. Next, from the drop-down menu select a Ring Pattern you wish to use. This will be a specific ring for this alternative number.
  5. When complete, click Save.

To Enable a Distinctive Ring:

  1. In order to have a Ring Pattern enabled for a specific number, make sure the Distinctive Ring is enabled, Click on the Settings icon in the settings table.
  2. Check the checkbox to enable this feature.
  3. Click Save when finished.
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